Payment options

If you have private medical insurance, either your own policy, as part of a company scheme or choose to pay for private treatment themselves, Trustplus provides a full range of services and treatment ranging from consultation or scan to diagnostic investigations, minor or complex surgery.


If you have private medical insurance, either your own policy or as part of a company scheme, you may be surprised at how many private services and treatments you can access at Trustplus. 

Self pay

Many of our patients do not have private medical insurance and choose to pay for private treatment themselves. 

Payment options


In addition to major treatments or operations, your insurance can be used for diagnostics such as x-rays and scans, a visit to a consultant or even physiotherapy. With private medical insurance you can arrange the treatment you need at a time to suit you.

Check if you're covered

Before you receive any treatment privately, please call your insurer and discuss your treatment needs. Once they confirm you are covered they will provide you with an authorisation number and if necessary send you a claims form.
Your provider will be able to discuss your policy with you and help you understand if there are any limits or excesses on your policy you need to be aware of as there may be some items that are not covered by them.

Getting a referral

Most medical treatments start with a referral to a specialist from your GP. This may involve your GP signing a claim form which may incur a small fee which is not covered by your insurance.

Seeing the specialist

Your specialist will decide whether you need some tests, a stay in hospital or treatment that can be carried out as a day case. Please remember to keep your insurance company updated with your treatment plans and confirm that your treatment is covered.

Arranging treatment

Whether you require a simple outpatient procedure or need major surgery you can access treatment when it’s most convenient to you.

Who pays the bill?

Most hospitals and some specialists have their bill paid by the insurer, but others will send the bill directly to you. Your insurance company will tell you how they will pay your claim.

Private Medical Insurance (PMI) providers

Trustplus provides treatment to patients that hold policies with most major Private Medical Insurance (PMI) providers.

For independent advice on PMI please visit the Association of British Insurers (ABI) designed to help you understand more about how private medical insurance works, so that you can make an informed choice before buying a policy.

If you do opt to take out private medical insurance, do remember to check beforehand if Trustplus is covered in the scheme.

Payment options

Self pay

Many of our patients do not have private medical insurance and choose to pay for private treatment themselves. From a consultation or scan to diagnostic investigations, minor or complex surgery you can opt to pay for your own medical treatment because it’s fast, affordable and convenient.


Our ships have completed their scan of the area and found nothing. If the Millennium Falcon went into light-speed, it'll be on the other side.

Not insured

Our ships have completed their scan of the area and found nothing. If the Millennium Falcon went into light-speed, it'll be on the other side.

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We're committed to excellent service. If you have questions or need assistance, our client services team is on-hand to help.

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