Dr Asjid Qureshi

MB ChB (Edin.), MRCP (UK), MD (Lon), CCST (Lon)

Consultant in Endocrinology and Diabetes

Dr Qureshi is an excellent physician, he dealt with us in a totally professional way and answered all our queries. I am a GP, so can gauge this well.


Dr Asjid Qureshi was born in London, graduated from Edinburgh University and is an experienced and caring consultant in endocrinology and diabetes. He is an endocrinologist in London and has specialised in diabetes and endocrinology since 1997. He provides an efficient, highly professional service that is tailored for patients and colleagues.

Dr Asjid Qureshi works with some of the best specialist consultants, dieticians, podiatrists, etc. in London. As an endocrinologist, he is an expert in dealing with diagnoses such as poor diabetes control, peri-operative diabetes management, thyroid disorders, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroid nodules, hypercalcaemia, etc.


Diabetes mellitus
General Internal Medicine

Recent publications

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) trilogy: a translational and clinical review. Mason H, Colao A, Blume-Peytavi U, Rice S, Qureshi A, Pellatt L, Orio F, Atkin SL. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2008 Dec;69(6):831-44. Epub 2008 Jun 27. 

Sharp PS, Brown B, and Qureshi A. Age at diagnosis of diabetes in a secondary care population: 1992—2005. The Brit Jour of Diab & Vas Dis. 2008; 8(2): 92 - 95

Qureshi AI, Nussey SS, Bano G, Musonda P, Whitehead SA and Mason HD. Testosterone selectively increases primary follicles in ovarian cortex grafted onto embryonic chick membranes: relevance to polycystic ovaries. Reproduction. 2008;136(2):187-94

H Sheikh, H Al-Gayer, A Qureshi. Effects of nGMS contract on diabetes control, Diabetes and Primary Care 122-4 Vol 9 No 2 2007

H Al-Gayer, H Sheikh, A Qureshi. Should inpatient DSN numbers be reduced given the NHS crash crisis? Journal of diabetes Nursing 148-52 Vol 11 No 4 2007

Professional memberships


I am registered with all major insurers.

I have full medical & professional indemnity with MDDUS. 

Dr Qureshi is an excellent physician, he dealt with us in a totally professional way and answered all our queries. I am a GP, so can gauge this well.


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