Dr Ahmed Elghamaz


Consultant Cardiologist


Ahmed works as a Consultant Cardiologist at Northwick Park Hospital, London North West Healthcare University Hospitals NHS Trust. He graduated with honours in 1997. His junior training was in Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals and he completed his specialist training in cardiology and coronary intervention in London.

He specialises in complex coronary intervention and the treatment of chronic total occlusions. He is the lead for coronary intervention at Northwick Park Hospital and is the head of Interventional Research. He has a special interest in myocardial perfusion; coronary flow reserve and the functional assessment of coronary artery stenosis. He has developed novel technologies to enable a better and easier assessment of fractional flow reserve. He has patents for his new technology with many publications and abstracts in peer journals and international conferences. He is a regular speaker and expert panellist in major national and international meetings.


Complex coronary interventions
Chronic Total Occlusions
Myocardial flow reserve

Recent publications

Diagnostic Accuracy of Stress Echocardiography Compared With Invasive Coronary Angiography With Fractional Flow Reserve for the Diagnosis of Haemodynamically Significant Stenosis(es) in Patients With Known or Suspected Coronary Artery Disease

Sothinathan Gurunathan, Grace Young, Nikos Karogiannis,

Ahmed Elghamaz, Roxy Senior

Abstract presented at TCT 2016

Journal of the American College of Cardiology, V OL . 6 8 , NO . 1 8 , S U P P L B , 2 0 1 

Intracoronary versus intravenous infusion of adenosine for the accurate assessment of FFR: The Hypermeic Study. First in man results. Presented at EuroPCR 2017 late breaking trials session

A novel way of performing FFR: the first dedicated infusion and pressure wire delivery micro-catheter. Cardiovascular and Innovation Pipeline, EuroPCR 2016

A Novel way of assessing FFR. Pre-clinical and first animal and lab data. 

Abstract; TCT, San Francisco 2015

Post Cardiac Injury Syndrome: A Rare Complication of Elective Coronary Angioplasty

The American Journal of Medicine. December 2015

Professional memberships

British Cardiac Intervention Society

British Cardiac Society

British Society of Echocardiography

Permanent Faculty member for EuroPCR (training and education committee)

European Society of Cardiology and ESC working group for Acute Cardiac Care

European Association of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention 

London Cardiovascular Network advisory group

Member and Co-founder of SECTO (South of England Chronic Total Occlusion) Club 

Consultant Advisory Board for Abbott Vascular UK 


I am registered with all major insurers and am fee assured.

GCP (good clinical practice) Certification from 2007[ethics and standards in clinical research] National Institute for Health Research

Advanced Life Support (ALS) Certification, from 2002. Resuscitation Council UK

Professional Indemnity with Medical Protection Society, membership number 531252


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